Agreement Ark Assemble Assembled Bring Chief Chiefs Covenant David Elders Families Fathers Heads Households Houses Israelite Jerusalem Leaders Lord's Presence Princes Responsible Solomon Sons Summoned Town Tribes Zion

8:1 Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might {a} bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which [is] Zion.

(a) For David brought it from Obed-edom, and placed it in the tabernacle which he made for it in 2Sa 6:17.

8:1 Elders - The senators, and judges, and rulers. Heads - For each tribe had a peculiar governor. Chief - The chief persons of every great family in each tribe. Jerusalem - Where the temple was built. Bring the ark - To the top of Moriah, upon which it was built; whither they were now to carry the ark in solemn pomp. City of David - Where David had placed the ark, which is called Zion, because it was built upon that hill.

8:1-11 The bringing in the ark, is the end which must crown the work: this was done with great solemnity. The ark was fixed in the place appointed for its rest in the inner part of the house, whence they expected God to speak to them, even in the most holy place. The staves of the ark were drawn out, so as to direct the high priest to the mercy-seat over the ark, when he went in, once a year, to sprinkle the blood there; so that they continued of use, though there was no longer occasion to carry it by them. The glory of God appearing in a cloud may signify, 1. The darkness of that dispensation, in comparison with the light of the gospel, by which, with open face, we behold, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord. 2. The darkness of our present state, in comparison with the sight of God, which will be the happiness of heaven, where the Divine glory is unveiled.

Ark Assembled Chief Children City Covenant David Elders Fathers Heads Houses Israel Jerusalem Princes Solomon Tribes Zion

Ark Assembled Chief Children City Covenant David Elders Fathers Heads Houses Israel Jerusalem Princes Solomon Tribes Zion