Able Build David Enemies Hast Putting Round Sides Soles Surrounded Temple Till Unable Waged Warfare Wars

5:1-9 Here is Solomon's design to build a temple. There is no adversary, no Satan, so the word is; no instrument of Satan to oppose it, or to divert from it. Satan does all he can, to hinder temple work. When there is no evil abroad, then let us be ready and active in that which is good, and get forward. Let God's promises quicken our endeavours. And all outward skill and advantages should be made serviceable to the interests of Christ's kingdom. It Tyre supplies Israel with craftsmen, Israel will supply Tyre with corn, Eze 27:17. Thus, by the wise disposal of Providence, one country has need of another, and is benefitted by another, that there may be dependence on one another, to the glory of God.

Able Build David Enemies Feet House Round Side Soles Surrounded Unable Waged Warfare Wars

Able Build David Enemies Feet House Round Side Soles Surrounded Unable Waged Warfare Wars