Abda Adoniram Adoni'ram Ahishar Ahi'shar Charge Controller Forced Household King's Labor Levy Levy-service Overseer Palace Subject Taskwork Tribute

4:6 Abiathar was - Steward of the king's household. Tribute - The personal tribute, or the levy of men, as appears by comparing this with chap.5:13,14, it being very fit that there should be some one person to whom the chief conduct of that great business was committed.

4:1-19 In the choice of the great officers of Solomon's court, no doubt, his wisdom appeared. Several are the same that were in his father's time. A plan was settled by which no part of the country was exhausted to supply his court, though each sent its portion.

Abda Adoniram Adoni'ram Charge Controller Forced House Household King's Labor Overseer Palace Subject Taskwork Tribute

Abda Adoniram Adoni'ram Charge Controller Forced House Household King's Labor Overseer Palace Subject Taskwork Tribute
