Amorite Amorites Authority Bashan Ben-uri Deputy District Geber Gilead Governor Judah Officer Officers Og Overseer Overseers Sihon Superintendent Uri

4:19 Country of Gilead - That is, in the remaining part of that land of Gilead, which was mentioned above. The only officer - In all Gilead, excepting the parcels mentioned before, in all the territories of Sihon and Og; which because they were of large extent, and yet all committed to this one man, it is here noted concerning him as his privilege above the rest.

4:1-19 In the choice of the great officers of Solomon's court, no doubt, his wisdom appeared. Several are the same that were in his father's time. A plan was settled by which no part of the country was exhausted to supply his court, though each sent its portion.

Amorites Authority Bashan Country Deputy District Geber Gilead Governor Judah Officer Officers Og Overseer Sihon Uri

Amorites Authority Bashan Country Deputy District Geber Gilead Governor Judah Officer Officers Og Overseer Sihon Uri