Ahab Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Judah Reign Reigned Reigneth Rule Samaria Sama'ria Seventeenth

22:51 Ahaziah, and c. - Ahaziah was made king by his father, and reigned in conjunction with him a year or two before Ahab's death, and as long after it; even as Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat was made king by his father in his life - time, which possibly was done in compliance with Ahab's desire upon marriage of his daughter to Jehoshaphat's son; and it may be Ahab, to induce him to do so, give him an example of it, and made his son his partner in the kingdom.

22:51-53 Ahaziah's reign was very short, not two years; some sinners God makes quick work with. A very bad character is given of him; he listened not to instruction, took no warning, but followed the example of his wicked father, and the counsel of his more wicked mother, Jezebel, who was still living. Miserable are the children who not only derive a sinful nature from their parents, but are taught by them to increase it; and most unhappy parents are they, that help to damn their children's souls. Hardened sinners rush forward, unawed and unmoved, in the ways from which others before them have been driven into everlasting misery.

Ahab Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Israel Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Judah Reign Reigned Rule Samaria Sama'ria Seventeenth

Ahab Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Israel Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Judah Reign Reigned Rule Samaria Sama'ria Seventeenth