Calleth Denied Deny Didn't Elders Evil Gold Mark Mischief Note Notice Observe Please Purpose Refuse Responsible Seeketh Seeking Seeks Silver Sons Trouble Withheld Wives

20:7 Seeketh mischief - Though he pretended peace, upon these terms propounded, it is apparent by those additional demands, that he intends nothing less than our utter ruin. I denied not - I granted his demands in the sense before mentioned.

20:1-11 Benhadad sent Ahab a very insolent demand. Ahab sent a very disgraceful submission; sin brings men into such straits, by putting them out of the Divine protection. If God do not rule us, our enemies shall: guilt dispirits men, and makes them cowards. Ahab became desperate. Men will part with their most pleasant things, those they most love, to save their lives; yet they lose their souls rather than part with any pleasure or interest to prevent it. Here is one of the wisest sayings that ever Ahab spake, and it is a good lesson to all. It is folly to boast of any day to come, since we know not what it may bring forth. Apply it to our spiritual conflicts. Peter fell by self-confidence. Happy is the man who is never off his watch.

Children Denied Deny Elders Gold Israel Mark Mischief Notice Observe Please Seeketh Seeking Seeks Silver Summoned Trouble Wives

Children Denied Deny Elders Gold Israel Mark Mischief Notice Observe Please Seeketh Seeking Seeks Silver Summoned Trouble Wives