Bahurim Bahu'rim Behold Benjaminite Benjamite Bitter Curse Cursed Curses Death Gera Grievous Hast Jordan Mahanaim Mahana'im Meet Oath Reviled Reviling Saying Shimei Shim'e-i Sware Swear Sword Swore Violent

2:8 I will not, and c. - The words are, The king said unto Shimei, thou shalt not die: and the king sware unto him, 2Sam 19:23. The oath, we see, was absolute. It was not, I will not put thee to death now. or, I will not put thee to death with the sword. But who can reconcile his charge to Solomon with this oath? Surely, considering the time of that charge, this next to the matter of Uriah, is the greatest blemish in all David's life.

2:5-11 These dying counsels concerning Joab and Shimei, did not come from personal anger, but for the security of Solomon's throne, which was the murders he had committed, but would readily repeat them to carry any purpose; though long reprieved, he shall be reckoned with at last. Time does not wear out the guilt of any sin, particularly of murder. Concerning Shimei, Hold him not guiltless; do not think him any true friend to thee, or thy government, or fit to be trusted; he has no less malice now than he had then. David's dying sentiments are recorded, as delivered under the influence of the Holy Ghost,

Bahurim Benjaminite Benjamite Curse Cursed Death Gera Grievous Jordan Mahanaim Meet Shimei Sware Sword Swore

Bahurim Benjaminite Benjamite Curse Cursed Death Gera Grievous Jordan Mahanaim Meet Shimei Sware Sword Swore