Behold Cave Cloak Covering Doest Elijah Eli'jah Elijah's Entering Entrance Face Hearing Hole Mantle Mouth Opening Pass Pulled Robe Saying Standeth Stood Voice Wrapped Wrappeth

19:13 He wrapped, and c. - Through dread of God's presence, being sensibly that he was neither worthy nor able to endure the sight of God with open face. And stood, and c. - Which God commanded him to do; and as he was going towards the mouth of the cave, he was affrighted and stopped in his course, by the dreadful wind, and earthquake, and fire; when these were past, he prosecutes his journey, and goeth on to the mouth of the cave.

19:9-13 The question God put, What doest thou here, Elijah? is a reproof. It concerns us often to ask whether we are in our place, and in the way of our duty. Am I where I should be? whither God calls me, where my business lies, and where I may be useful? He complained of the people, and their obstinacy in sin; I only am left. Despair of success hinders many a good enterprise. Did Elijah come hither to meet with God? he shall find that God will meet him. The wind, and earthquake, and fire, did not make him cover his face, but the still voice did. Gracious souls are more affected by the tender mercies of the Lord, than by his terrors. The mild voice of Him who speaks from the cross, or the mercy-seat, is accompanied with peculiar power in taking possession of the heart.

Cave Cloak Covering Elijah Eli'jah Elijah's Entering Entrance Face Heard Hearing Hole Mantle Mouth Opening Pulled Robe Standeth Stood Voice Wrapped

Cave Cloak Covering Elijah Eli'jah Elijah's Entering Entrance Face Heard Hearing Hole Mantle Mouth Opening Pulled Robe Standeth Stood Voice Wrapped