Blowing Breath Earthquake Earth-shock Fire Gentle Passed Shaking Soft Voice Whisper

19:12 A still voice - To intimate, that God would do his work in and for Israel in his own time, not by might or power, but by his own spirit, Zech 4:6, which moves with a powerful, but yet with a sweet and gentle gale.

19:9-13 The question God put, What doest thou here, Elijah? is a reproof. It concerns us often to ask whether we are in our place, and in the way of our duty. Am I where I should be? whither God calls me, where my business lies, and where I may be useful? He complained of the people, and their obstinacy in sin; I only am left. Despair of success hinders many a good enterprise. Did Elijah come hither to meet with God? he shall find that God will meet him. The wind, and earthquake, and fire, did not make him cover his face, but the still voice did. Gracious souls are more affected by the tender mercies of the Lord, than by his terrors. The mild voice of Him who speaks from the cross, or the mercy-seat, is accompanied with peculiar power in taking possession of the heart.

Blowing Breath Earthquake Earth-Shock Fire Gentle Small Soft Sound Voice Whisper

Blowing Breath Earthquake Earth-Shock Fire Gentle Small Soft Sound Voice Whisper