Band Captain Collected Control Damascus David David's Destroyed Dwell Dwelt Forces Gathered Gathereth Got Killed Leader Marauding Outlaws Rebels Reign Reigned Settled Slaughter Slaying Slew Stayed Therein Troop Zobah

11:24 And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them [of Zobah]: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, {n} and reigned in Damascus.

(n) That is, the men whom he had gathered to him.

11:24 A band - Of soldiers, who fled upon that defeat, 2Sam 10:18, and others who readily joined them, and lived by robbery; as many Arabians did. Damascus - And took it, whilst Solomon was wallowing in luxury.

11:14-25 While Solomon kept close to God and to his duty, there was no enemy to give him uneasiness; but here we have an account of two. If against us, he can make us fear even the least, and the very grasshopper shall be a burden. Though they were moved by principles of ambition or revenge, God used them to correct Solomon.

Band Captain Collected Damascus David Destroyed Dwelt Gathered Gathereth Head Killed Leader Marauding Outlaws Rebels Reigned Settled Slaughter Slew Therein Together Troop Zobah

Band Captain Collected Damascus David Destroyed Dwelt Gathered Gathereth Head Killed Leader Marauding Outlaws Rebels Reigned Settled Slaughter Slew Therein Together Troop Zobah