Adversity Delivered Distress Oath Redeemed Saviour Saying Soul Surely Sware Sweareth Swore Trouble Troubles Vowed

1:29 Out of all distress - The words contain a grateful acknowledgement of the goodness of God to him, in bringing him safe through the many difficulties, which had lain in his way, and which he now mentions to the glory of God, (as Jacob when he lay a dying) thus setting to his seal, from his own experience that the Lord redeemeth the souls of his servants.

1:11-31 Observe Nathan's address to Bathsheba. Let me give thee counsel how to save thy own life, and the life of thy son. Such as this is the counsel Christ's ministers give us in his name, to give all diligence, not only that no man take our crown, Re 3:11, but that we save our lives, even the lives of our souls. David made a solemn declaration of his firm cleaving to his former resolution, that Solomon should be his successor. Even the recollection of the distresses from which the Lord redeemed him, increased his comfort, inspired his hopes, and animated him to his duty, under the decays of nature and the approach of death.

Adversity Delivered Distress Life Oath Redeemed Saviour Soul Surely Sware Sweareth Swore Trouble Vowed

Adversity Delivered Distress Life Oath Redeemed Saviour Soul Surely Sware Sweareth Swore Trouble Vowed