Batch Boasting Change Corrupts Dough Glorying Ground Leaven Leaveneth Leavens Lump Makes Mass Pride Works Yeast Yours

5:6 {7} Your glorying {d} [is] not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

(7) Another goal of excommunication is that others are not infected, and therefore it must of necessity be retained in the Church, so that one is not infected by the other.

(d) Is nothing and not grounded upon good reason, as though you were excellent, and yet there is such wickedness found among you.

5:6 Your glorying [is] not good. Boasting, in such a state of affairs, was unseemly.

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. As a little leavens the whole mass of dough, so one sinner suffered to go on in impurity sends a corrupting influence through the whole church. Compare Ga 5:9.

5:6 Your glorying - Either in your gifts or prosperity, at such a time as this, is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven - One sin, or one sinner. Leaveneth the whole lump - Diffuses guilt and infection through the whole congregation.

5:1-8 The apostle notices a flagrant abuse, winked at by the Corinthians. Party spirit, and a false notion of Christian liberty, seem to have saved the offender from censure. Grievous indeed is it that crimes should sometimes be committed by professors of the gospel, of which even heathens would be ashamed. Spiritual pride and false doctrines tend to bring in, and to spread such scandals. How dreadful the effects of sin! The devil reigns where Christ does not. And a man is in his kingdom, and under his power, when not in Christ. The bad example of a man of influence is very mischievous; it spreads far and wide. Corrupt principles and examples, if not corrected, would hurt the whole church. Believers must have new hearts, and lead new lives. Their common conversation and religious deeds must be holy. So far is the sacrifice of Christ our Passover for us, from rendering personal and public holiness unnecessary, that it furnishes powerful reasons and motives for it. Without holiness we can neither live by faith in him, nor join in his ordinances with comfort and profit.

Batch Boasting Change Corrupts Dough Glorying Good Ground Leaven Little Makes Pride Whole Works Yeast

Batch Boasting Change Corrupts Dough Glorying Good Ground Leaven Little Makes Pride Whole Works Yeast