Age Cross Crucified Glory Leaders None Possessed Possesses Present Princes Rulers Understood Wisdom Wouldn't

2:8 {7} Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known [it], they would not have crucified the {h} Lord of glory.

(7) He takes away another objection: why then, how comes it to pass that this wisdom was so rejected by men of the highest authority, that they crucified Christ himself? Paul answers: because they did not know Christ such as he was.

(h) That mighty God, full of true majesty and glory: now this place has in it a most evident proof of the divinity of Christ, and of the joining of the two natures in one in him, which has this in it, that which is proper to the manhood alone is confirmed of the Godhead joined with the manhood. This type of speech is called, by the old fathers, a making common of things belonging to someone with another to whom they do not belong.

2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew. Utterly ignorant of the divine wisdom to be revealed in Christ, they, the high priests, with Pilate and Herod, crucified the Son.

2:8 Had they known it - That wisdom. They would not have crucified - Punished as a slave. The Lord of glory - The giving Christ this august title, peculiar to the great Jehovah, plainly shows him to be the supreme God. In like manner the Father is styled, the Father of glory, Eph 1:17; and the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of glory, 1Pet 4:14. The application of this title to all the three, shows that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are the God of glory; as the only true God is called, Psa 29:3, and Acts 7:2.

2:6-9 Those who receive the doctrine of Christ as Divine, and, having been enlightened by the Holy Spirit, have looked well into it, see not only the plain history of Christ, and him crucified, but the deep and admirable designs of Divine wisdom therein. It is the mystery made manifest to the saints, Col 1:26, though formerly hid from the heathen world; it was only shown in dark types and distant prophecies, but now is revealed and made known by the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ is the Lord of glory; a title much too great for any creature. There are many things which people would not do, if they knew the wisdom of God in the great work of redemption. There are things God hath prepared for those that love him, and wait for him, which sense cannot discover, no teaching can convey to our ears, nor can it yet enter our hearts. We must take them as they stand in the Scriptures, as God hath been pleased to reveal them to us.

Age Cross Crucified Glory Leaders Possessed Possesses Present Princes Rulers Understood Wisdom World Wouldn't

Age Cross Crucified Glory Leaders Possessed Possesses Present Princes Rulers Understood Wisdom World Wouldn't