Barbarian Clear Foreign Foreigner Grasp However Language Meaning Merely Particular Power Saying Seem Sense Someone Speaker Speaketh Speaking Speaks Strange Talking Tongue Voice

14:11 Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that {g} speaketh [shall be] a barbarian unto me.

(g) As the papists in all their sermons, and they that ambitiously pour out some Hebrew or Greek words in the pulpit before the unlearned people, by this to get themselves a name of vain learning.

14:11 If I know not the meaning of the voice. The language.

I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian. A foreigner, not understanding his language. The Greeks and Romans called all not of their races barbarians.

14:11 I shall be a barbarian to him - Shall seem to talk unintelligible gibberish.

14:6-14 Even an apostle could not edify, unless he spoke so as to be understood by his hearers. To speak words that have no meaning to those who hear them, is but speaking into the air. That cannot answer the end of speaking, which has no meaning; in this case, speaker and hearers are barbarians to each other. All religious services should be so performed in Christian assemblies, that all may join in, and profit by them. Language plain and easy to be understood, is the most proper for public worship, and other religious exercises. Every true follower of Christ will rather desire to do good to others, than to get a name for learning or fine speaking.

Barbarian Clear Country Foreign Foreigner Grasp However Language Meaning Merely Particular Power Seem Sense Someone Sound Speaker Speaketh Speaking Speaks Strange Talking Tongue Voice

Barbarian Clear Country Foreign Foreigner Grasp However Language Meaning Merely Particular Power Seem Sense Someone Sound Speaker Speaketh Speaking Speaks Strange Talking Tongue Voice