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9:33 And these [are] the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, [who remaining] in the chambers {i} [were] free: for they were employed in [that] work day and night.

(i) But were continually occupied in singing praises to God.

9:33 These - Others of the Levites; of whose several offices he had spoken before. Are - Or rather, were; which is understood, all along in the foregoing and following verse s. Chambers - That they might be ready to come whensoever they were called to the service of God in the tabernacle. Free - From all trouble and employment, that they might wholly attend upon the proper work. That work - Either composing or ordering sacred songs; or actually singing; or teaching others to sing them. Day and night - Continually, and particularly in the morning and evening, the two times appointed for solemn service. Thus was God continually praised, as it is fit he should be, who is continually doing us good.

9:1-44 Genealogies. - This chapter expresses that one end of recording all these genealogies was, to direct the Jews, when they returned out of captivity, with whom to unite, and where to reside. Here is an account of the good state into which the affairs of religion were put, on the return from Babylon. Every one knew his charge. Work is likely to be done well when every one knows the duty of his place, and makes a business of it. God is the God of order. Thus was the temple a figure of the heavenly one, where they rest not day nor night from praising God, Re 4:8. Blessed be His name, believers there shall, not in turn, but all together, without interruption, praise him night and day: may the Lord make each of us fit for the inheritance of the saints in light.

Chambers Chief Duties Duty Dwelling Dwelt Employed Engaged Exempt Families Fathers Free Heads Households Houses Levites Music Musicians Night Ordering Remaining Rooms Service Sing Singers Songs Temple Work

Chambers Chief Duties Duty Dwelling Dwelt Employed Engaged Exempt Families Fathers Free Heads Households Houses Levites Music Musicians Night Ordering Remaining Rooms Service Sing Singers Songs Temple Work