Age Below Count David Didn't Heaven Heavens Increase Less Multiply Numerous Promised Sky Stars Twenty

27:23 Because - And therefore to number them all both above and under twenty years old, had been both an infinite trouble and a tempting of God, or a questioning the truth of his promises.

27:16-34 The officers of the court, or the rulers of the king's substance, had the oversight and charge of the king's tillage, his vineyards, his herds, his flocks, which formed the wealth of eastern kings. Much of the wisdom of princes is seen in the choice of their ministry, and common persons show it in the choice of their advisers. David, though he had all these about him, preferred the word of God before them all. Thy testimonies are my delight and my counsellors.

Age Below Count David Heaven Heavens Increase Israel Less Multiply Numerous Promised Sky Stars Twenty

Age Below Count David Heaven Heavens Increase Israel Less Multiply Numerous Promised Sky Stars Twenty