288 Brethren Brothers Cunning Eight Eighty Eighty-eight Expert Fourscore Hundred Instructed Intelligent Making Melody Music Numbered Relatives Singing Skilful Skilled Skillful Song Songs Taught Trained

25:7 Cunning - Who were so skilful that they were able to teach others; and together with their scholars, made up the four thousand mentioned chap.23:5.

25:1-31 The singers and musicians. - David put those in order who were appointed to be singers and musicians in the temple. To prophesy, in this place, means praising God with great earnestness and devout affections, under the influences of the Holy Spirit. In raising these affections, poetry and music were employed. If the Spirit of God do not put life and fervour into our devotions, they will, however ordered, be a lifeless, worthless form.

Cunning Eight Eighty Eighty-Eight Expert Fourscore Hundred Instructed Intelligent Making Melody Music Relatives Singing Skilful Skilled Skillful Song Songs Taught Trained

Cunning Eight Eighty Eighty-Eight Expert Fourscore Hundred Instructed Intelligent Making Melody Music Relatives Singing Skilful Skilled Skillful Song Songs Taught Trained
