Age Census Counted Eight Heads Levites Mighty Numbered Polls Thirty Thirty-eight Thousand Total Upward

23:3 Upwards - Not only 'till fifty, as it was appointed, Numb 4:2,3, but even 'till their death: for that was but a temporary law grounded upon a special reason, because the Levites were employed in carrying the tabernacle and sacred vessels from place to place; and therefore God would have them freed from those burdens when they came to feel the infirmities of age: which reason wholly ceasing upon the building of the temple, their work being far easier than it had been, and their service being more a privilege than a burden, their time of service is justly prolonged.

23:1-23 David, having given charge concerning the building of the temple, settles the method of the temple service, and orders the officers of it. When those of the same family were employed together, it would engage them to love and assist one another.

Age Census Counted Eight Heads Levites Mighty Numbered Polls Thirty Thirty-Eight Thousand Total Upward

Age Census Counted Eight Heads Levites Mighty Numbered Polls Thirty Thirty-Eight Thousand Total Upward