Arrangement Assist Baked Baking Bread Cakes Capacity Care Cereal Control Cooked Crushed Fine Fire Flour Fried Grain Griddle Holy Liquid Loaves Manner Meal Meal-offering Measure Measurements Measures Meat Meat-offering Mixed Mixing Oblation Offering Offerings Oil Pan Present Quantity Rows Saturated Shewbread Showbread Show-bread Size Soaked Solid Sorts Table Thin Unleavened Volume Wafers Weights Well-mixed Whether

23:29 All measure - All measures used either in sacred or civil things, the publick standards whereof were kept in the temple; and therefore the care of keeping them inviolable and producing them upon occasion, musts needs belong to the priests, and under them to the Levites, who were to examine other measures and all things by them, as occasion required; that so the priests might be at leisure for their higher and greater employments.

23:24-32 Now the people of Israel were so many, there should be more employed in the temple service, that every Israelite who brought an offering might find a Levite ready to help him. When more work is to be done, it is pity but there should be more workmen. A new heart, a spiritual mind, which delights greatly in God's commandments, and can find a refreshing feast in his ordinances, forms the great distinction between the true Christian and all other men in the world. To the spiritual man every service will yield satisfaction. He will be ever abounding in the work of the Lord; being never so happy as when employed for such a good Master, in so pleasant a service. He will not regard whether he is called to take the lead, or to keep the charge of others who are placed over him. May we seek and serve the Lord uprightly, and leave all the rest to his disposal, by faith in his word.

Assist Baked Bread Cakes Care Cereal Charge Control Cooked Crushed Fine Fire Flour Fried Grain Griddle Holy Manner Meal Meal-Offering Measure Measurements Measures Meat Meat-Offering Mixed Mixing Oblation Offering Offerings Oil Pan Quantity Shewbread Show Showbread Show-Bread Size Soaked Sorts Table Unleavened Volume Wafers Water Weights Well-Mixed Whether
Assist Baked Bread Cakes Care Cereal Charge Control Cooked Crushed Fine Fire Flour Fried Grain Griddle Holy Manner Meal Meal-Offering Measure Measurements Measures Meat Meat-Offering Mixed Mixing Oblation Offering Offerings Oil Pan Quantity Shewbread Show Showbread Show-Bread Size Soaked Sorts Table Unleavened Volume Wafers Water Weights Well-Mixed Whether