Ammon Ammonites Anymore Aram Aramaeans Arameans David Defeated Hadadezer Hadade'zer Hadarezer Overcome Peace Routed Servants Serve Served Smitten Sons Subject Syrians Thus Willing Worse

19:19 His servants - Let those who have in vain stood it out against God, be thus wise for themselves. Let them become his servants; for they are undone, if they remain his enemies.

19:1-19 David's wars. - The history is here repeated which we read 2Sa 10. The only safety of sinners consists in submitting to the Lord, seeking peace with him, and becoming his servants. Let us assist each other in a good cause; but let us fear lest, while made instruments of good to others, we should come short of salvation, through unbelief and sin.

Ammon Ammonites Anymore Aram Aramaeans Arameans Children David Defeated Hadadezer Hadade'zer Hadarezer Help Israel Overcome Peace Routed Servants Serve Served Smitten Subject Syrians Willing Worse

Ammon Ammonites Anymore Aram Aramaeans Arameans Children David Defeated Hadadezer Hadade'zer Hadarezer Help Israel Overcome Peace Routed Servants Serve Served Smitten Subject Syrians Willing Worse