Aram Aramaeans Arameans Damascus David Hadadezer Hadade'zer Hadarezer Killed Slew Smiteth Smote Struck Succor Succour Sword Syrians Thousand Twenty Twenty-two Zobah

18:1-17 David's victories. - This chapter is the same as 2Sa 8. Our good fight of faith, under the Captain of our salvation, will end in everlasting triumph and peace. The happiness of Israel, through David's victories, and just government, faintly shadowed forth the happiness of the redeemed in the realms above.

Aram Aramaeans Arameans Damascus David Hadadezer Hadade'zer Hadarezer Help Killed Slew Smiteth Smote Struck Succor Succour Sword Syrians Thousand Twenty Twenty-Two Zobah

Aram Aramaeans Arameans Damascus David Hadadezer Hadade'zer Hadarezer Help Killed Slew Smiteth Smote Struck Succor Succour Sword Syrians Thousand Twenty Twenty-Two Zobah