Abishai Abi'shai Defeated Edom Edomites E'domites Eighteen Moreover Putting Salt Slew Smitten Smote Struck Sword Thousand Valley Zeruiah Zeru'iah
18:12 Moreover Abishai the son of Zeruiah slew of the Edomites in the valley of salt {f} eighteen thousand.
(f) Which is understood that Joab slew 12,000 as is in Ps 60:1 and Abishai the rest.
18:1-17 David's victories. - This chapter is the same as 2Sa 8. Our good fight of faith, under the Captain of our salvation, will end in everlasting triumph and peace. The happiness of Israel, through David's victories, and just government, faintly shadowed forth the happiness of the redeemed in the realms above.
Abishai Abi'shai Defeated Edom Edomites E'domites Eighteen Moreover Putting Salt Slew Smitten Smote Struck Sword Thousand Valley Zeruiah Zeru'iah
Abishai Abi'shai Defeated Edom Edomites E'domites Eighteen Moreover Putting Salt Slew Smitten Smote Struck Sword Thousand Valley Zeruiah Zeru'iah