Acts Marvellous Marvelous Meditate Melody Praise Praises Psalms Sing Songs Sounded Speak Talk Thoughts Voice Wonder Wonderful Wonderous Wonders Wondrous Works

16:9 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his {e} wondrous works.

(e) Who of his wonderful providence has chosen a few of the stock of Abraham to be his children.

16:7-36 Let God be glorified in our praises. Let others be edified and taught, that strangers to him may be led to adore him. Let us ourselves triumph and trust in God. Those that give glory to God's name are allowed to glory in it. Let the everlasting covenant be the great matter of our joy his people of old, be remembered by us with thankfulness to him. Show forth from day to day his salvation, his promised salvation by Christ. We have reason to celebrate that from day to day; for we daily receive the benefit, and it is a subject that can never be exhausted. In the midst of praises, we must not forget to pray for the servants of God in distress.

Acts Marvellous Marvelous Meditate Melody Praise Praises Psalms Sing Songs Sounded Speak Talk Thoughts Voice Wonder Wonderful Wonders Wondrous Works

Acts Marvellous Marvelous Meditate Melody Praise Praises Psalms Sing Songs Sounded Speak Talk Thoughts Voice Wonder Wonderful Wonders Wondrous Works