Appoint Appointed Asaph Berechiah Berechi'ah Berekiah Brethren Brothers Ethan Heman Joel Jo'el Kushaiah Kusha'iah Levites Merari Merar'i Merarites Position Relatives Sons

15:1-24 Wise and good men may be guilty of oversights, which they will correct, as soon as they are aware of them. David does not try to justify what had been done amiss, nor to lay the blame on others; but he owns himself guilty, with others, of not seeking God in due order

Appoint Appointed Asaph Berechiah Berechi'ah Berekiah Ethan Heman Joel Jo'el Levites Merari Merar'i Merarites Relatives

Appoint Appointed Asaph Berechiah Berechi'ah Berekiah Ethan Heman Joel Jo'el Levites Merari Merar'i Merarites Relatives